Background image: YAAH logo

About Us

Youth and Allies Against Homelessness (YAAH) is a research team based in i4Y (Innovations for Youth), a Berkeley School of Public Health research center. YAAH is made up of youth community interns with lived experience of homelessness, undergraduate and graduate students who have experienced homelessness and/or who have demonstrated a commitment to ending homelessness, and a faculty lead.

YAAH members are:

  • Committed to uplifting the voices of youth experiencing homelessness and working towards creating tangible change.

  • Involved in all steps of study design, implementation, community outreach, analysis, dissemination, and manuscript writing. 

  • Committed to sharing all research results with youth and key stakeholders to inform improved and inclusive policies and services for historically marginalized youth. 

Committed to uplifting the voices of youth experiencing homelessness and working towards creating tangible change.

Current Lab Projects