

The HHAP youth set-aside funds have vastly increased the California state funding for youth experiencing homelessness (YEH). Supported by Cal-ICH, we are evaluating the deployment and impact of HHAP set-aside funding to date to support its ongoing implementation. 

Our evaluation has four objectives: 

1) to develop guidelines for the implementation of the youth set aside for local communities; 

2) to assess the impact of the youth set-aside, with a focus on HHAP rounds 1 to 3; 

3) to calculate the evidence-based recommended proportion that should be allocated to the youth set-aside funds; and, 

4) to recruit and support a cohort of YEH or former YEH to meaningfully participate as researchers and participants in the guidance for and evaluation of the HHAP youth set-aside funds. 

In order to meet our objectives our research team will employ mixed methods, informed by existing evidence, and with the input of a broad range of stakeholders, including YEH, jurisdictions and Continuums of Care (CoC), providers, policymakers, advocates, and subject matter experts

Our partners in this project include the California Coalition for Youth (CCY) and the California Homeless Youth Project (CHYP)